Community Action Fund


Community Action Fund: Where “Compaction” Drives Change

Compaction: Where compassion fuels action to empower our community.

Our Community Action Fund was born from a shared vision between our co-founders, David Chametzky and Morris Mayer. David Chametzky’s Jewish tradition emphasizes social justice and community responsibility. Morris’s Christian background as a Lutheran Pastor inspires a focus on compassion and service with God as the center, while Combined with the diverse perspectives of our board members, these principles allow us to uplift our community with truly meaningful initiatives. Our inclusivity allows us to look beyond our own beliefs to create positive change. The Community Action Fund embodies this commitment, empowering us to address both the immediate needs of our neighbors and work towards lasting solutions.

The Community Action Fund is driven by personal experience and a deep commitment to the interfaith community. Co-founder Morris Mayer knows firsthand the lifeline that a helping hand can be in challenging times. Back in 2012, when facing a potential power disconnection, Morris received not only monetary assistance but also the invaluable support of his mentor. This experience inspired our focus on combining immediate support with mentorship programs that empower individuals to create lasting change.

What We Offer

  • Immediate Financial Relief: We cover urgent needs like medical bills, rent, food, and essential supplies, helping to mitigate financial stress and prevent further hardship.
  • Tailored Support: We carefully assess each situation to offer aid that creates stability in the long term.
  • Scholarships for Professional Mentoring and Coaching Programs: We provide financial support to help those we serve access guidance and empowerment, building resilient futures.
  • Interfaith Spiritual Care: We offer support that honors diverse spiritual beliefs and provides comfort in times of need.
  • Community Awareness: We educate our community about the challenges others face, fostering kindness and a sense of shared responsibility.

Join us!

Donate to the Community Action Fund or become part of the Goon Squad and volunteer today


This campaign is a call for help for a devoted family man—a husband and a father—who has recently been faced with severe medical issues, including a serious heart condition. His health problems have not only put immense physical and emotional strain on him but are also threatening to close down the business that has supported his family for years.

With a loving wife and a daughter currently in college, who also struggles with her own health issues, the stakes could not be higher. The medical costs for treatments have quickly become overwhelming, adding to the stress and uncertainty brought on by the potential loss of their only source of income.

This family has always worked hard to solve their problems independently and provide a stable and loving home. Unfortunately, the confluence of health crises and looming financial instability has surpassed what they can manage on their own.

Your generous donations through this fundraising campaign will directly assist with the substantial medical bills that are accumulating and help prevent the closure of their family business. This support is crucial not only for alleviating their immediate financial burdens but also for providing the peace of mind needed to focus on recovery and health.

Every contribution is a beacon of hope and support, demonstrating community solidarity in the face of adversity. Please consider giving what you can to help this family navigate through these incredibly tough times. Your help can make a real difference in keeping a family together and fighting through a period of crisis.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity. Together, we can help restore stability and hope to a family who has suddenly found themselves on the brink.

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